The Weekender: November 2022 Edition

November means lots of Christmas movies, Thanksgiving meal planning and gearing up for the holiday season.

Weekend of Nothing

We spent a weekend with nothing on the calendar. That doesn’t mean we did nothing. I enjoyed some movies at home, caught up on shows, read a bit, and tidied up. I like to think of these weekends as little retreats almost. I’ve spent a great deal of time infusing hygge (cozy, comforting, Nordic) lifestyle into my home. My family says my home makes them feel lazy and lethargic. I’ll take it as a compliment.

To Warmer Weather

We went down for a quick weekend to visit someone very important in Florida. I truly cherish the mealtimes and slow afternoons. Going down also means my husband gets to see more of his friends and it’s been a joy for me to get to know them as well.

Dim Sum Lunch

I know, I owe a long post about this cuisine but friends and I had the usual Dim Sum catch up in the neighborhood and I treasure these lunch dates.


Thanksgiving was supposed to be in Staten Island with Danny’s family but he felt sick. Flu? Whatever was going around. He’s fine thank goodness, but that meant I had to whip up a last minute meal. Lamb shanks, green beans, mashed potatoes, stuffing, mac and cheese, and roast veggies.

Medieval Times

I’m super fascinated with castles and princesses. I can’t say that I’m Disney obsessed. I think I like these sort of period pieces and it’s more the castles that draw me in. My sister presented me my Christmas gift early and took us to Medieval Times. So it’s more of a building and less of a castle, but we went to the New Jersey location. The company truly has their stuff down to a science because the meal was brought out hot. Tomato soup, half chicken, garlic bread, corn, a piece of potato and eclairs and coffee are eaten with the hand or with heavy cups and plates. The show featured knights and Andalusian horses. Sources do say the horses are treated well, so I hope it’s true. My mother was completely enthralled as she received a carnation, her favorite flower, from a knight. We donned our paper crowns and waved our plastic flags. Alas, our knight did not win but we had a roaring good time.